Audio Tutor Meet


Friday 14th October

First Meeting with David

Dan, Rob and myself met with David McSherry for a weekly progress report. We had several topics of discussion, such as defining whether or not this project was client-based, how we would be assigning roles, additional clarification for what to include in the blog (non-project related content), as well as film-specific concepts, including whether we had thought about the ‘sound of the era’. For example, how did radio sound in the 1970s, or what was traffic flow like compared to today – all notions which when added to the film produce extra authenticity.

During this discussion and after viewing our blogs, David informed us that the aims and objectives (hyperlink) are to be constructed as a group, whereas the learning outcomes detail what each member of the group would like to achieve individually. Examples were both technical, such as improving speed or keyboard shortcut knowledge on Pro Tools, to other areas like improving professionalism or networking capabilities. At the end of the session, we agreed that as a group we would work on our aims and objectives, as well as individual learning outcomes and background research to help underpin our ideas and actions.

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