Friday 11th November
Tutorial with David
In this week’s meeting, we informed David that we would be missing next Mon-Wed due to these being our filming dates. Fortunately, we will not be missing a guest lecture, although we will miss the Creative Enterprise session taken by Jason Bradbury on Tuesday. Also, because we will be missing these dates, we need to fill in absence forms.
The key information in this session was us letting David know that our film group have had a sudden change of location in the last couple of days. Originally, we were all set for shooting in Hannah’s spare bedroom. However, after a meeting with Mikey this week, he suggested they try to find somewhere else in their spare time if at all possible. This led to the film crew going on another location scout all day Thursday, before settling on an attic room in Lincoln BIG as a definite for the location of the film. Luckily, Dan had visited the attic in the morning before the tutorial, so he could inform us of the traffic noise and low ceilings which would cause a problem when shooting. However, these are challenges to work through and can be reflected upon in our final summaries, as it is out of our control whether the director changes the location at the last minute, as she has done here.
The weekend will consist of preparing for the shoot next week, ensuring we capture the highest quality of audio we can on location for the film.
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